"Promoting Unity through Communication"  
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Hi! My name is Marinus van Zyl.

I'm responsible for this web site, and I'm at your service.

Please communicate with me at

Recently Implemented features:
- Upgraded our email server to better handle spam without running out of memory. This greatly enhanced our reliability.
- Changed contacts, inbox, send queue and email queues to use an SQL database, instead of files and memory. This has greatly enhanced our performance.
- Be able to see a report on the progress of your most recently sent SMS by clicking on the 'Sent SMS Delivery Report' link at the bottom of the 'send SMS' screen.
- Be able to interrupt the sending of an sms that is currently being sent out by clicking the cancel link next to it in the sms delivery report screen.  
- Be able to interrupt the sending of an sms that is currently being sent out by sending '!stop' to CommunitySMS via SMS.

If there are features lacking that you'd like, please tell me about them, and I'll put them on the list.

If you have an SMS application that needs writing, tell me about your idea at the above email address, and I'll send you a quote. Custom applications we have done are CommunitySMS, an SMS business directory, a configurable auto-reponder for a radio talk show, and telemetry SMS to communicate with power meters.

Currently working on:
- Special credit transfer page for a dealer/administrator to transfer credits between his communities.
- The ability to send pictures to cell phones via CommunitySMS (via a WAP Push SMS message - I.o.w. still only cost 1 SMS, but the user must use GPRS to view the picture.)
- Add feature to be directly connected on the Cell Phone Networks' SMS backbone. This will speed up Bulk SMS a lot! Think in terms of 100 SMS a second... Unfortunately the delivery of these kind of SMS can be delayed substantially, or dropped completely when the network is very busy.
- Add capacity to current infrastructure to delivery reliable SMS faster.

Thank you! :)

               van Zyl

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